Welcome to the RSS Cookbook page

This book will be by and about YOU and your stories. It will cover all aspects of food including food-inspired art and photography, stories about food and its importance in life, and the recipes that nurture us.
Email Questions to Barbara Denson: food@rssny.org
Click here to submit recipes, stories, poetry, artwork and photography
Look here for Inspiration
Story Ideas:
- Favorite food experience
- Most memorable cooking disaster
- Learning to cook with a family member
- Holiday foods
Recipes with a story ideas:
- Grandma's carrot cake recipe
- Holiday traditions
- Comfort food
Click on the titles below for current story submissions
Stories and recipes
Poetry Ideas:
- Ode to an apple
- The dinner that was
- Food Haiku
Photography ideas:
- An exotic meal
- Old family photos of people eating
- Favorite place to eat
Artwork ideas:
- Still life
- Food collage
- People with food
Cookbook artwork
April's Food Art Tutorial Videos
April's cookbook art tutorials