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Plant-Based Kickstart Program

Congratulations! You are on your way to a healthier you.

Plant-based eating has been proven to help prevent or maintain your health through a whole-food, plant-based diet. Whether you are already on the path to plant-based eating or are just starting on your journey you are in the right place. Here is where you will find recipes, videos, and all sorts of information to help you make changes to a healthier lifestyle. 

The information from the Plant-Based Kickstart events or website is for informational purposes only. For more specific questions please contact your medical practitioner. 

Plant-Based Kickstart Videos

Find out more about Plant Powered Metro New York

Plant-based cooking and information

Stocking your Plant-Based Kitchen

Switching to a plant-based diet means having to shop for and have available in your kitchen food, seasonings, and other things that will help make it easy to cook. The question is, what should you buy in order to have what you need? Click on the pictures above to download lists of pantry supplies and shopping lists from Plant Powered Metro New York.

These are extensive lists. If you are just beginning to eat more plant-based, take it a little bit at a time. Start by buying things that are more familiar and slowly try new things to add to your meals. Make this an adventure so that you continue to enjoy the journey. 

How to get Enough protein on a Plant-Based Diet

Click on the picture to download a list of plant-based protein sources.

One of the concerns that many people have about an all plant-based diet is getting enough protein. The truth is that there are plenty of ways to get protein that doesn't come from animals. Some plant-based options you might consider include; beans, tofu, quinoa, tempeh, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds. These plant sources are lower in saturated fat, contain no cholesterol, and provide fiber and other health-promoting nutrients.(Click on the picture to get a list of plant-based protein sources.)

One plant-based doctor, Dr. Michael Greger wrote a book called “How Not to Die” and this is what he says about eating legumes also known as beans “Legumes were given special treatment, straddling both the protein and vegetable groups. They’re loaded with protein, iron, and zinc, as you might expect from other protein sources like meat, but legumes also contain nutrients that are concentrated in the vegetable kingdom, including fiber, folate, and potassium. You get the best of both worlds with beans, all the while enjoying foods that are naturally low in saturated fat and sodium and free of cholesterol.” These plant-based proteins will also cost you less, will not break the bank and storage would no longer be a concern.

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