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Africa Meets the West A Presentation and Conversation with Phoenix Art Museum (Online) (Clone)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
5:00 pm6:00 pm


RSS is excited to announce a monthly series of art lectures from the Phoenix Art Museum.

Located in the Central Corridor of a bustling, desert metropolis, Phoenix Art Museum has opened doors to world-class exhibitions, its comprehensive collections, and meaningful moments of learning and connection for 60 years.

Learn more about the museum here -

This Month:
A Presentation and Conversation with Phoenix Art Museum
Master Docent Ingrid Wood

Getinsights into some of the many cultures and
traditions that make up the vast and diverse continent of
Africa, many of which are unfamiliar to the Western

See how African art portrays their culture and traditions
and creates a meaningful interpretation and explanation
of Africa today including its ongoing connection to the
