Trip: Wave Hill Bird Walk

This is an exclusive opportunity for all you bird lovers! This is only for RSS members.
On May 14th join New York City naturalist and author for a morning bird walk on the gorgeous grounds of Wave Hill. Wherever birds gather you will surely find plants they depend upon for food, shelter, and nesting material. Wave Hill, our precious public garden in Riverdale, is the year-round home to cardinals and blue jays, woodpeckers and hawks, robins and wrens. Mid-May is the perfect time to spot these year-rounders and the colorful returning warblers, thrushes, tanagers, and hummingbirds. Join us and meet your avian neighbors!
This walk utilizes paved paths and flat grassy areas. Participants will be standing or walking at a slow pace for the duration of the walk. Binoculars will be available to borrow, plus a limited number of walking sticks.
Space is limited! To register: in the office or call 718.884.5900