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Tibbets Tapestry event (Online & In Person)

Friday, August 11, 2023
1:00 pm2:00 pm

To register:

The Tibbetts Estuary Tapestry is the vision of City as Living Laboratory (CALL) ( Their mission is to identify environmental issues in a particular neighborhood by working with scientists and residents of the community. They then commission artists to create community art projects that connect people to the ecosystem and physical infrastructure, making those environmental issues that are hidden, unseen, or abstract real and tangible.

In 2020, CALL reached out to RSS at the height of the Pandemic and asked us to invite our members to participate in this project. For two years, the artists held numerous in-person and online workshops to teach volunteers how to do the specific stitches to create their own imaginary garden, making each portion of the tapestry unique and personal.

Come join us to hear the stories of how this amazing work of art was created. Reception will follow the event.
