To the prize-winning author of “Naked at Our Age” and “Sex After Grief”, no question about senior sex is off-limits. She is known as as a fierce advocate for "ageless sexuality" and is about as open as it gets when it comes to talking about sex. Joan is zealous about spreading the word that adults can be passionate and desirable at any age. She is frank, funny, knowledgeable and articulate. This fit and sassy septuagenarian is a role-model extraordinaire.
Joan Price was at RSS for two sessions on September 5th. At the first called the "7 Myths of Senior Sex", she talked about everything from impressions that seniors don't have sex to the myth that older adults don't have to practice safe sex (they sure do!).
In the evening she facilitated a spirited discussion at the RSS Women's Circle about body image issues in older women and the representation of sexuality by popular media. Joan effortlessly responded to questions from the group about dating and intimacy and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, among other important issues. The women shared anecdotes about their experiences and concerns in a warm, supportive gathering.
Launched in 2015, the Women’s Circle provides a late-afternoon forum where women over sixty gather to learn, network and enjoy each other’s company. The Circle focuses on maintaining wellness and building a vibrant community of women with common interests and goals. The Women’s Circle gathers once each month for a discussion group with relevant guests and speakers. After the formal portion of the presentation concludes, members stay to continue the conversation over a light supper.
A reporter from the NY Times was also in attendance. She is working on a major piece for the NY Times Magazine Section focusing on sex and older adults. She spoke to quite a few attendees and told us that she thought holding such forums for older adults was ground-breaking and important.
To learn more about Joan Price and ageless sexuality go to www.joanprice.com