We LOVE this story because it shows the power of goodness and how social media can be powrful in spreading the word. The RSS knitting group creates beautiful handmade knitted goods that they donate to causes and also to raise funds for the Center. They were out of yarn.
Several weeks ago we put out a call for yarn for the RSS knitting group on Facebook and Twitter. Joan Yuman (who wasn't even following us) somehow saw the posting, reposted on Facebook and some other sites and several people contributed yarn to her. She came today with 4 bags of beautiful yarn which she presented to the group. You can see from the photo how happy the group is (Joan is the one in the spotted scarf). Thank you also to those that contributed yarn including Christina , Desiree, Patty, and JoAnn!
Also today, Sister Amy bought a lovely card (and lovely donuts!) to thank the knitting group for donating knitted goods to "The House on the Hill" a migrant Head Start program sponsored by the Blauvelt Dominicans.
Thank you to Joan and Sister Amy. Goodness prevails!