Bronx, New York, June 25, 2018 - Riverdale Senior Services announced it is now doing business as RSS. Long known to its members as RSS, Riverdale Senior Services now adopts this "nickname" as its official name. Riverdale Senior Services will continue to be used as a descriptor going forward. RSS is also introducing a tagline - The Center for Ageless Living - as well as a new website and website address (url) - rssny.org.
RSS will continue its focus on serving older adults and their families. From Board President Rhea Dornbush, Ph.D., “Our rebranding is not about changing our mission, it’s about telling the story of the important work that we do. It’s about acknowledging that we serve a 40 year age span, supporting not only adults, but their caregivers as well. It’s about acknowledging that the world is changing, healthcare is changing and how we think about our retirement years is changing. For the next twenty years, an average of 10,000 people each day will reach 65. People are now often retired for thirty years or more, and RSS, with its focus on every aspect of wellness, offers so many options for staying healthy, developing and exploring new interests, friendships and ways to share skills. As we enter our 45th year of service to the community and expand our programs and services, we want to ensure that we are communicating our message effectively. We feel the rebrand delivers on that need.”
RSS programs for seniors include:
• A wide range of classes including exercise, arts, gardening, and writing at any skill level
• On-Site Services for Older Adults including benefits counseling, individual counseling, and nurse
• Support groups
• Lunches daily created by in-house chef
• Terrace gardening and exercise programs
• Caregiver resources and support
• Intergenerational activities
• Films, trips and lectures
• Adult Day Program for Early Memory Loss
RSS will be using the tagline “The Center for Ageless Living” in promotions and campaigns going forward. The phrase “ageless living” was chosen for its representation of the people that make up the RSS community. Ageless Living represents people that are purposeful, adventurous and not afraid to try new things, no matter the challenges. RSS supports and accommodates our members by helping them to learn and explore new ways to enjoy life and embrace their many talents and insights that come from their life of work and experience.
RSS is located at 2600 Netherland Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463. Learn more about how to become part of our community, get help, join our classes, take a tour or partner with RSS at www.rssny.org (http://www.rssny.org) or call 718 884-5900.
RSS - We are the Center for Ageless Living!
Margie Schustack, Director of Communications and Marketing
mschustack@rssny.org, 718 884-5900 x29